Current Incidents

All systems are operational

Past Incidents

27th November 2020

No incidents reported

26th November 2020

No incidents reported

25th November 2020

No incidents reported

24th November 2020

No incidents reported

23rd November 2020

No incidents reported

22nd November 2020

EBS EBS unavailable via RDS.

Update: We believe this issue has been resolved following the 12:00 restart of the RDS system. If you are still experiencing issues with this system, please call the IT Helpdesk in the usual manner.

The installation of EBS Central, and EBS Shape throw an error message when accessed from the RDS system. (which many customers are using to work from home) It is possible this may be seen on campus, as well, but our on-site support team can rectify those cases.

Tribal updated the live EBS server on Sunday 22nd, which required the client to be updated. The new client also needs an update to an underlying system component. (Microsoft .Net v4)

The update to that component has been unexpectedly delayed while our technicians repair the damage caused by multiple power failures at the Ruddington Datacentre, but this remains a high priority task.

Jamie notified existing users of a 12:00 RDS outage to perform the fix, and blocked new users joining. (Helpdesk operators were made aware of this notice, and the upcoming outage) He then applied the .Net update to the base image, and rebooted the server, which will have disconnected any users who hadn't heeded the previous warning and logged themselves out at that point. Once rebooted, the server came back online, and use of EBS Central and Shape has seemed to be operating as expected.

21st November 2020

No incidents reported