12th April 2019

Internet: Highfields, Stapleford, London Road, Ruddington 12PM-1PM 12/04/2019 - IT Scheduled Maintenance - Internet Access, legacy Central sites

What are we doing?

In order to complete the roll-out the Wi-Fi roll-out during the Easter period we need to swap out the firewall at Beeston. This work will impact internet access across all legacy Central sites:

• Beeston

• Maid Marian Way

• Highfields

• Ruddington

• London Road

• Stapleford

• Wheeler Gate

Why are we doing it?

• To improve the network security

• To improve Internet browsing and services

• To provide improved internet filtering

• To provide better protection for staff and students

• To provide internet filtering on the new Wi-Fi facilities

When are we doing it?

Friday 12 April from 12pm to 1pm

What will it mean for me?

There will be intermittent internet facilities during this time, whilst we swap the firewall and test connectivity. This will affect:

• Email

• One Drive

• SharePoint/Teams

• Any other Internet site

If you have any questions regarding this please contact the IT Helpdesk on x5555 (0115 9125555).

Please check this page for further updates.